Astrology Reference Guide

Discover the intriguing world of astrology with these simple yet comprehensive tables presenting key planets, signs and houses along with their corresponding symbols, and brief descriptions. This serves as a perfect starting point for beginners, and a handy reference for seasoned astrology enthusiasts. Please note that this is very basic and is not to be considered an irrefutable truth.

Astrological Zodiac Signs

This table presents the Astrological Zodiac Signs along with their symbols, characteristics, associated house, planet(s), quality, element, and polarity. From Aries' bold, independent nature to the empathetic and mystical tendencies of Pisces, use this table to get a snapshot of the key traits of each Zodiac sign, offering insights into the wide spectrum of human personalities.

Zodiac SignSymbolCharacteristics and TraitsAssociated HouseAssociated Planet(s)QualityElementPolarity
AriesBold, independent, passionate, impulsive1st HouseMars ♂CardinalFireMasculine
TaurusLoyal, reliable, patient, stubborn2nd HouseVenus ♀FixedEarthFeminine
GeminiIntellectual, curious, adaptable, fickle3rd HouseMercury ☿MutableAirMasculine
CancerCompassionate, emotional, protective, moody4th HouseThe Moon ☽CardinalWaterFeminine
LeoConfident, ambitious, charismatic, egotistical5th HouseThe Sun ☼FixedFireMasculine
VirgoPractical, analytical, perfectionist, critical6th HouseMercury ☿MutableEarthFeminine
LibraDiplomatic, charming, romantic, indecisive7th HouseVenus ♀CardinalAirMasculine
ScorpioIntense, passionate, mysterious, jealous8th HouseMars ♂, Pluto ♇FixedWaterFeminine
SagittariusAdventurous, philosophical, optimistic, reckless9th HouseJupiter ♃MutableFireMasculine
CapricornAmbitious, disciplined, reserved, pessimistic10th HouseSaturn ♄CardinalEarthFeminine
AquariusHumanitarian, unconventional, intellectual, aloof11th HouseUranus ♅, Saturn ♄FixedAirMasculine
PiscesEmpathetic, mystical, artistic, escapist12th HouseNeptune ♆, Jupiter ♃MutableWaterFeminine

The Planets

Planets play a significant role in astrology, with each one symbolizing a unique aspect of life. This table introduces each planet and its influence, from the life-giving Sun to the transformative Pluto. Knowing which planet governs each Zodiac sign can add a further layer of depth to your understanding of Astrology.

PlanetSymbolDescriptionAssociated House & Zodiac Sign
The SunThe source of life and vitality, the Sun symbolizes your sense of self and your creative energy.5th House, Leo (♌)
The MoonThe emotional center of the chart, the Moon represents your emotional nature and your relationship to the world around you.4th House, Cancer (♋)
MercuryThe planet of communication, Mercury governs how you think, learn, and communicate with others.3rd House, Gemini (♊) & 6th House, Virgo (♍)
VenusThe planet of love and beauty, Venus governs your relationships, aesthetics, and sense of pleasure.2nd House, Taurus (♉) & 7th House, Libra (♎)
MarsThe planet of action and energy, Mars governs your drive, ambition, and desire for success.1st House, Aries (♈) & 8th House, Scorpio (♏)
JupiterThe planet of expansion and growth, Jupiter represents your sense of purpose and potential for abundance.9th House, Sagittarius (♐) & 12th House, Pisces (♓)
SaturnThe planet of restriction and discipline, Saturn represents your capacity for hard work and your ability to overcome obstacles.10th House, Capricorn (♑)
UranusThe planet of change and revolution, Uranus represents your capacity for innovation and your need for freedom.11th House, Aquarius (♒)
NeptuneThe planet of imagination and mysticism, Neptune represents your sense of spirituality and your capacity for transcendence.12th House, Pisces (♓)
PlutoThe planet of transformation and regeneration, Pluto represents your capacity for self-discovery and your deepest instincts.8th House, Scorpio (♏)

Astrological Houses

Astrological Houses represent different areas of life, from personal identity to career and relationships. Each house is associated with a Zodiac sign and its ruling planet(s). This table is a quick guide to help understand what each house represents, aiding in understanding where the various Zodiac signs are most likely to focus their energies and attention.

HouseAssociated SignAssociated Planet(s)What it Represents
1st HouseAries (♈)Mars (♂)Self, identity, appearance, presentation to the world
2nd HouseTaurus (♉)Venus (♀)Finances, possessions, material values
3rd HouseGemini (♊)Mercury (☿)Communication, learning, exchange of ideas
4th HouseCancer (♋)Moon (☽)Home, family, roots, life foundation
5th HouseLeo (♌)Sun (☼)Creativity, self-expression, romance, children
6th HouseVirgo (♍)Mercury (☿)Health, daily routines, service, work
7th HouseLibra (♎)Venus (♀)Partnerships, marriage, relationships
8th HouseScorpio (♏)Mars (♂), Pluto (♇)Transformation, regeneration, shared resources
9th HouseSagittarius (♐)Jupiter (♃)Travel, higher education, philosophy, beliefs
10th HouseCapricorn (♑)Saturn (♄)Career, public image, reputation
11th HouseAquarius (♒)Uranus (♅)Community, social groups, place in the world
12th HousePisces (♓)Neptune (♆)Unconscious, spirituality, hidden strengths and weaknesses

Astrological Aspects

Astrological aspects describe the angles between planets on the celestial sphere, each with its unique interpretation. This table provides a quick summary of the major aspects, such as the harmonious trine and challenging square, along with their corresponding symbols and challenging levels.

AspectsSymbolDescriptionChallenging Level
ConjunctionBlending of planetary energies, powerful connection between two areas of life.5
OppositionTension, need to balance opposing energies or areas of life.8
SquareChallenges and obstacles, need to work through difficulties to achieve growth.9
TrineEase and harmony, natural flow of energy between two areas of life.2
SextileOpportunity, chance to develop or make progress in a particular area of life.3
Semi-Sextile-Subtle connections, need to pay attention to small details.6
QuincunxAdjustment, need to make changes to achieve balance.7
Semi-Square-Tension, need to work through minor obstacles to achieve growth.7
Sesquiquadrate-Frustration, need to find a creative solution to a problem.8

Zodiac Sign Qualities

Zodiac signs are divided into three qualities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. These qualities highlight a sign's approach to life, whether they're initiators, maintainers, or adapters. Use this table to get a glimpse of how these qualities contribute to the distinctive traits of each Zodiac sign.

QualityAssociated Zodiac SignsDescription
CardinalAries ♈, Cancer ♋, Libra ♎, Capricorn ♑Cardinal signs are initiators, leaders, and trendsetters. They are dynamic and quick to start new projects.
FixedTaurus ♉, Leo ♌, Scorpio ♏, Aquarius ♒Fixed signs are stable, persistent, and reliable. They are dedicated and focused on seeing their projects through to the end.
MutableGemini ♊, Virgo ♍, Sagittarius ♐, Pisces ♓Mutable signs are adaptable, flexible, and able to adjust to changing circumstances. They are great at finishing projects started by others.

Zodiac Sign Elements

Every Zodiac sign is associated with one of the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Each element signifies a fundamental type of energy that operates in each of us. This table will help you understand the elemental makeup of each Zodiac sign and their consequent behavior patterns.

ElementAssociated Zodiac SignsDescription
FireAries ♈, Leo ♌, Sagittarius ♐Fire signs are passionate, dynamic, and temperamental. They are capable of great love, and can be equally capable of great fury.
EarthTaurus ♉, Virgo ♍, Capricorn ♑Earth signs are grounded, practical, and hardworking. They value material security and physical comfort.
AirGemini ♊, Libra ♎, Aquarius ♒Air signs are intellectual, social, and love communication and relationships with other people. They are thinkers, friendly, and analytical.
WaterCancer ♋, Scorpio ♏, Pisces ♓Water signs are exceptionally emotional and sensitive. They are highly intuitive, empathetic, and care deeply about their relationships.

Zodiac Sign Polarity

Each Zodiac sign also has a polarity - Masculine or Feminine. This doesn't refer to gender but relates to a general energetic disposition. Masculine signs tend to be more extroverted and action-oriented, while Feminine signs are more introverted and receptive. This table breaks down which Zodiac signs are associated with which polarity, offering another facet to understanding the signs.

PolarityAssociated Zodiac SignsDescription
MasculineAries ♈, Gemini ♊, Leo ♌, Libra ♎, Sagittarius ♐, Aquarius ♒Masculine signs are extroverted, active, and outwardly expressive. They tend to be more focused on the outer world and are often more direct in their communication.
FeminineTaurus ♉, Cancer ♋, Virgo ♍, Scorpio ♏, Capricorn ♑, Pisces ♓Feminine signs are introverted, receptive, and inwardly focused. They tend to be more focused on the inner world and maybe more contemplative and reserved.