What is AstroCartography?

Astrocartography is a fascinating branch of astrology that might sound futuristic, but its roots reach far into the past. In a nutshell, astrocartography is the art of understanding how planetary influences shift as you change your location on Earth. These shifts can influence various aspects of our lives, from our relationships and careers to our personal growth and overall wellbeing.

The Concept and History of Astrocartography

Astrocartography, also known as locational or relocation astrology, originated in the mid-20th century. The term was coined by Jim Lewis, an American astrologer who developed the technique in the 1970s. However, the concept it embodies can be traced back to the ancients. Ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Ptolemy wrote about the influence of geography on humans, discussing the differences in people from various regions based on planetary positions.

Jim Lewis made this theory more accessible by creating a tool to draw planetary lines on a world map, corresponding to each individual's astrological chart. This allows astrologers to see how relocating might affect a person's life according to the changed planetary influences.

Understanding Astrocartography

Astrocartography is based on the idea that different places on Earth will resonate with the planetary energies in our birth chart differently. Each of us has a unique astrological birth chart, which is a map of where all the planets were in their journey around the Sun at the exact moment we were born.

In astrocartography, lines are drawn on a world map representing where planets were at significant points at your time of birth, such as rising, setting, culminating, or at the lower midheaven. These lines, also known as planetary lines, can indicate potential experiences and themes you might encounter in different locations.

Why Would You Use Astrocartography?
  • Relocation: Astrocartography can be a helpful tool when considering moving to a new place. It could provide insights into how you might feel or what you might experience in different locations.
  • Travel: If you're planning a vacation and want to get a sense of what your experience might be like, astrocartography can offer potential insights. This doesn't mean it will dictate every moment of your trip, but it can provide a general theme or atmosphere.
  • Understanding Life Themes: Sometimes, we may notice that certain themes or events keep occurring when we live in a particular location. Astrocartography can help us understand these patterns from an astrological perspective.
  • Personal Growth: Astrocartography isn't just about finding the "best" place for you. It's also about understanding how different locations might challenge you and provide opportunities for growth.
Ready to Dive in?

Pull up your Map on Astro.com

Use our AstroCartography Reference Guide

A Word of Caution

Astrocartography, like any form of astrology, is a tool for insight, not a definitive guide to life. While it can provide valuable perspectives, it's essential to consider other practical factors when making significant life decisions, such as your job, family situation, personal preferences, and financial conditions.

In conclusion, astrocartography is a fascinating blend of astrology and geography that can offer us a unique lens through which to view our lives and the world. While it's not a magic bullet for life's challenges, it's a tool that, when used mindfully, can enrich our understanding of ourselves and our place in the cosmos. Whether you're considering a move, planning a trip, or simply exploring life's possibilities, the journey through astrocartography promises to be an enlightening one.